Omo Valley region in Ethiopia

3 nights 4 days Omo Valley tribes experience offers a glimpse into the rich cultural diversity of the Omo Valley region in Ethiopia.

Day 1: Arrival in Arba Minch and Dorze Villages

Fly from Addis Ababa to Arba Minch, a town located in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People’s Region of Ethiopia. Upon arrival, you will be driven to the Dorze villages. The Dorze people are known for their unique bamboo houses and intricate weaving skills.Explore the villages and learn about the Dorze culture and way of life.In the afternoon, enjoy a boat ride on Lake Chamo, where you can spot hippos and crocodiles. Stay overnight at Haile Resort in Arba Minch.

Day 2: Konso Village, Arbore Village, and Turmi

Depart from Arba Minch and drive to the Konso village. The Konso people are famous for their terraced farming techniques and cultural traditions.Explore the village and learn about the Konso people’s way of life, including their traditional social
and political systems. After visiting the Konso village, continue the journey to the Arbore village, where you can experience the unique culture and customs of the Arbore tribe. From Arbore, proceed to Turmi, a town known as a gateway to the Omo
Valley tribes. Overnight stay at Emerald Lodge in Turmi.

Day 3: Karo Tribe, Nangatom Village, and Hamer Tribe

On this day, you will venture deeper into the Omo Valley to visit the Karo tribe in Kangaten. The Karo people are famous for their body painting and intricate scarification patterns.Explore the Karo village and witness their unique cultural practices. Afterward, visit the Nangatom village, another tribe in the Omo Valley region, known for their distinct way of life and cultural traditions. In the afternoon, head to the Evangadi area to witness the traditional dance of the Hamer tribe. The Hamer people are known for their bull-jumping ceremonies and unique hairstyles. Spend the night at Emerald Lodge in Turmi.

Day 4: Return to Addis Ababa

Drive from Turmi to Jinka airport, which takes approximately 4 hours. Catch a flight from Jinka and return to Addis Ababa in the afternoon. Upon arrival in Addis Ababa, your Omo Valley tribes experience comes to an end.